National Apprenticeship Week: An interview with Mitchell Rogers, former Apprentice

National Apprenticeship Week: An interview with Mitchell Rogers, former Apprentice

Mitchell Rogers – Delivery Consultant – London

Mitchell successfully completed his apprenticeship and stayed with us at Fusion People, gradually advancing to a higher position. In this interview, he talks about the lessons he learned and how they’ve contributed to his career growth.

What made you choose an apprenticeship, and how has that decision impacted your career journey?

I originally took a gap year after not being able to decide If I wanted to go to university. Once that was over and I had decided that I didn’t want to pursue further education, I investigated apprenticeship’s so I could get qualifications whilst getting work experience and building a career. Doing an apprenticeship has given me a head start in my career, now having multiple years of experience ahead of peers. I have also saved money to prepare for my future without acquiring the debt I would have gotten from university.

How did your apprenticeship prepare you for your current role at Fusion People?

After completing my apprenticeship, I changed roles within the business. However, I learned valuable skills and knowledge about the industry which have massively helped settle into my new role and meant that I didn’t have to start from the beginning. The skills I learnt from my apprenticeship can be used in lots of different jobs and have also helped me in my personal life.

What do you enjoy most about working with Fusion People now that you’ve completed your apprenticeship?

I enjoy having the responsibility of my new role and being a fully fledged member of the team. Being able to do my job independently has been satisfising and seeing how far I’ve come since joining made the year of learning worth it.

How has your apprenticeship experience shaped your career ambitions, and what advice would you give to someone thinking about becoming an apprentice?

Being an apprentice opened the doors for me to choose my own career, with the skills I gained being helpful in any role I do in the future, which has helped me in my new role. I’m now building a career for myself built upon my apprenticeship. I would recommend anyone who is unsure about university or their future to consider an apprenticeship as it’s a great window into work and building a career.

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